Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

The girls celebrated the royal wedding today by donning feathers and hats to be dressed like those who attended the actual wedding. For lunch they had cucumber sandwiches and grilled ham and cheese. According to the Today Show those were both being served at the reception as appetizers. Other then the girls waving to Kate as she and William strolled along in the carriage that's the most they had to do with the royal wedding. Other then that it was business as usual...bubbles, puzzles, and naps. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bubble Day

Today chicago had 30 minute cycles of rain and sun. About 5 mins of sun...making you say THANK GOD THIS RAIN IS OVER!...only to be shot down after those 5 mins to continue on with the rain. However, there was a decent window of opportunity to get outside. So, we seized it! The girls each got bubbles from the Easter Bunny, so we tried the butterfly wand out. I thought the backyard wouldn't be so windy but was just as bad as the front. The girls were very into the bubbles until Clara stepped into the tray and Magda tipped it over while trying to get it out from under Clara's feet. Once the puddles in the back became of a bigger interest to them we headed in. Thank god that I got some fresh air. I was going insane being inside so much.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

It's Magda's turn for a kitchen. They loved this one too, but for a good while this morning were more interested in the box it came in rather then the kitchen itself. Here are some shots of them today. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011