Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gingerbread Houses

If they made gingerbread houses for every holiday, these girls would be in heaven! Firstly, they were so good getting the houses at Target. They were out of our "bus carts" as I call them. It's a cart that both girls get a seat on an extra seat attachment and Luca gets the cart. They both actually walked the whole time and they were AMAZING! Probably the best behaved 2 year olds in the whole store. Once we got all the candy in the bowls they couldn't wait to decorate. We definitely had to be reminded that we needed to use the candy to decorate and not eat it all, but what fun would that be if they couldn't have any? They were very very focused while they were decorating and did a pretty good job of keeping most of the candy on the counter. I think they turned out great for their first ones.  In the words of Magda, "My house is beautiful."

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